Well the rumors are true, I have been excommunicated from the Church of the Appendix. It all started last Wednesday with some sharp lower abdominal pain that landed me in the Emergency Room by Thursday morning. Several tests revealed appendicitis which has but one remedy; extraction via surgery. If the inflamed appendix is not removed immediately then it will undoubtedly burst some time in the near future and turn deadly very quickly.
I had to wait around all afternoon for an operating table and was under the knife by about 8:30pm. The surgery was a complete success with no complications, but unfortunately I did have to stay overnight due to the late hour of my surgery. The more unfortunate part is that the guy I shared a room with snored like a wildebeest and when he wasn't snoring he was groaning in pain. It was like paying a premium rate for the room next to the torture chamber.
There's not too much information out there for what to do once you get home from a laparoscopic appendectomy (say that 10 times fast), other than basically just go get better. I spent the first two days laying on my back, taking pain killers and watching movies. Finally on Sunday I was able to ditch the pain killers and move around a little bit and I used those precious steps to do a photo shoot with Lose Control. The photo shoot is just one of many steps taken by Lose Control to get ready for more content in the new year so stay tuned on that.
As of today I am finally feeling closer to normal, although I now must refer to if my life as "post-appendix". I'll still have a few more days of laying low, but luckily I will be doing so on the beautiful island of Oahu. I had to cancel my gigs for the week, but promise to back in action in about a week or so. As of now, I am just glad to be rid of that freeloading appendix who does nothing for the human body other than wage war once it gets bored with it. Damn thing didn't even pay for gas money, let alone it's own hospital bill.
On the bright side, this experience has been yet another reminder of my own mortality. Although there is no known cause for appendicitis, it's been nice to take a step back and start focusing on my health as we transition into the new year. Even just a couple small steps like changing my diet and drinking habits I'm sure will yield much healthier results which in turn will lead to a happier and more productive life. Also, I must mention that the amount of support I received from family and friends was overwhelming, and I'm so thankful to have so many wonderful people in my life to be there when I get knocked down. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart.
That's it for now, enjoy the holidays!