Greetings folks, I must admit it's been several months since my last confession, but that certainly doesn't mean that I haven't been busy! Allow me to catch you up on what's been going on with me this year.
For starters, Lose Control has been hard at work on our sophomore album which is yet to be titled. We are recording the album at Kona Inn Recording in Redondo Beach with Mike Sutherland behind the helm as producer. Mike has also signed on board to be our manager which is great news for us as he is an invaluable asset, our 5th member, and a close friend.
As of now, we have three tracks mostly finished with two more that are well on their way. We are shooting for ten songs total so I'd say we are about 35% done with a long way to go. We actually just finished writing the 10th song last week. I must say though this album is sounding awesome! We tracked all of the instruments live together which captures our sound much more accurately, and gives the songs a much more raw rock n' roll feel. I'll keep you updated as things progress, and we will probably be floating one of the tracks out in the next month or so. For now, just know that it's sounding bad ass and we are very happy with it.
LOSE CONTROL promo 2016
Aside from recording with Lose Control, I have also been gigging quite a bit around my home town of Hermosa Beach with acoustic guitar in hand. I'm working on putting together a bunch of my own songs and recording a solo album this year, so these gigs have been a great place to work on new material and play some fun covers as well. I just ordered a new microphone from Miktek, a little audio company who endorses me, and once it comes in I plan on recording a bunch of demos that I will release into the wild with corresponding youtube videos later this year. I may release a song a week or something like that just to try something different, but I'll keep you posted on that.
Outside the music realm, you may or may not know this, but I am also a licensed real estate agent and have been practicing real estate for many years. I sold a house in Manhattan Beach last month which took up a good chunk of my time, and was an overall great experience. Be sure to contact me if you are every looking for a good real estate agent (end advertisement).
Finally, I am happy to announce that Pepper will be releasing their new album, Ohana, on April 29th this year. I did quite a bit of production work on this album last year and am really proud of how it turned out. The pre-order is now available, and I highly recommend that you grab a copy, it sounds fantastic!
Available now for pre-order!
That's about it for now. I certainly have my work cut out for me over the next few months so be sure to check back soon and I will hopefully have some new music to share with you. Thank you for your continued support of my musical endeavors, hopefully this is the year I hit it big. Take care.